This is not your normal Motiv8ing post. This is a call to action!
We have a huge problem, and the crazy part is, no one CARES!
Well, we do care, but because it doesn't affect our daily routines, we don't take action on it.
What am I talking about?
There is an island in the Pacific the size of Texas made entirely out of PLASTIC!!!!
Why is this ok? How come we aren't addressing this issue?
One of the main reasons I became a vegan was because of factory farming. I didn't want to support something that had a negative effect on our own health and the health of our planet. Every year, factory farms create so much pollution and I didn't want to be contributing and supporting that problem.
According to Gianna Andrews, author of the article "Plastics in the Ocean Affecting Human Health," one of the most devastating elements of this pollution is that plastics takes thousands of years to decay. As a result, fish and wildlife are becoming intoxicated. As a result, toxins from plastics have entered the food chain, threatening human health. In the most polluted places in the ocean, the mass of plastic exceeds the amount of plankton six times over. This is a large piece of evidence that leaves the problem of polluted oceans undeniable. It is upsetting that a massive clean up effort is not taking place.
So what can we do?
First, you might wonder why the government isn't trying to fix the problem. In my opinion, the government only cares about keeping the economy running. As long as the our country's financial health is good, they don't care about the little things. Just like how big businesses follow the money. If we stop paying and using plastic goods, the government and big businesses will have to change as well.
We can change the world by just being mindful of our spending habits.
Look, there is no way for the public to just stop using plastic altogether. It is such a huge part of our society. But there are a few simple things that we can do in our daily lives that would have a great impact on the environment and our health.
Check it out...
Our Motiv8 Plastic Challenge!
I have three steps below that we can take action on this week and wouldn't be hard to do. Check it out and post your questions below!
1. Stop or minimize the use of plastic bottles, straws, and eating utensils.
Straws!!! There are almost 8 million tons of this stuff entering the ocean every year. Why? Do we really need a straw in our cup at restaurants? Check out this blog to learn more about why straws are bad. Straws are a luxury that the public just doesn't need. And I know what you are thinking, "how about that smoothie at Juice Land?" I need a straw for that!
Well that leads us into plastic bottles. Do you really think that your bottled water is healthier than tap water? There is so much that goes into making your tap water healthy to drink that I bet if you compared the two, you wouldn't find much difference. But if you are still worried about your water, start drinking filtered water. The Brita filters are amazing. Also, the vending machines in every grocery store are a great way to get large jugs of healthy water that only take about 30 cents to refill.
Going back to Juice Land: if you can find a reusable cup and water bottle to carry around with you, most restaurants are more than happy to fill your cups rather than using their own. And if you absolutely need a straw, here are some great reusable straws for you to check out! Also, this might sound weird, but carrying around your own utensils when eating out at fast food restaurants is another great way to prevent waste.
2. Stop buying foods that are packaged in plastic!
If you stop buying foods that are packaged in plastic and only eat foods that you can buy in bulk, you could greatly reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet. This would have a huge impact on your health! The main things we are talking about are microwavable meals, cereals, most junk food, and everything found at Costco! =) Look, you are not going to be able to take out everything that is wrapped in plastic. Just make sure that if you do buy plastic that you recycle.
Let's quickly talk about some foods that don't need to be packaged in plastic. All vegetables and fruits! In the produce side of the store, there are vegetables you can buy in bulk and then vegetables that are wrapped in plastic ready for you to easily grab and go. DON'T BUY THESE PRODUCTS! Buying the bunch of spinach rather than the pre-rinsed spinach packaged in plastic tubs isn't going to take up much more of your time. Be proactive and make the right choice.
Also, and I know I do this, but try not to use the plastics produce bags. I use the bags almost every time I go to the grocery store, so I definitely need to make this change. Since I need something to keep my produce together at the store, I am going to try out the Bahoki Essentials Set of 5 Eco Friendly Reusable Mesh Produce Bags. I'll keep you posted on my experience!
3. Start Really Focusing on RECYCLING!
Motiv8ers, make sure that you are buying recyclable plastic products. Being proactive on learning about what is recyclable and what isn't is really important. Not every plastic product can be recycled. When you have a spare minute please check out the two websites below to learn more.
What the numbers on the plastic bottles mean...
Frequently asked questions to the City of Austin about recycling....
Motiv8ers, if your and your family's health is important to you, this is knowledge that you need to know. The health risk of plastic might not affect us right now, or even in the next few years, but it is having an impact on our planet.
If you are interested in learning more, check out this cool blog that has 100 ways to live a plastic free life!
Motiv8ers, today I challenge you to spend some time researching this topic and start making changes in your life. If you follow the three steps below, you will have a huge impact on our environment.
- Stop using plastic bottles, straws, and utensils.
- Stop using foods wrapped in plastic and start using reusable mesh produce bags for all bulk items.
- Only buy products that are recyclable. Not all plastic is recyclable. Do your research.
Crew, Stay EPIC and Don't Forget to Be AWESOME!
Coach Ty Out!