Monday, March 5, 2018

Bring The Best Version of YOU Every Day!

Hi Motiv8ers,

Hope you are having the best day full of joy, great workouts, and making yourself even more awesome! =)

Today I have a message that is making a huge impact in my life. YOU HAVE TO CHECK THIS ONE OUT!

Over the past week I have been cleaning my car, making my bed, organizing my closest, cleaning the house, making sure I meditate, and much more. Although I do these tasks regularly, when my schedule gets really crazy, these are the tasks that are the first to go. And if you know me, you have definitely seen this. At times my car can get really messy. =(

So what has changed in me? Why am I making these simple tasks, that no one sees but me, a priority?

I'll tell you why!

It started with this podcast that I listened to last Wednesday.

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes interviewing Jay Shetty titled Greatest Lesson: Life as a Monk. Jay was a former monk and now works for the Huffington Post.

The part of this podcast that touched me the most was the last 10 minutes. Lewis asks Jay, "If all of your books, videos, messages, and life's works were erased from the world and you were on your death bed and you could only leave three truths for the world to remember you by, what would be those three truths?"

Jay said....

1. You are a spiritual being living a human experience. You are not a human having a spiritual experience.

2. Live in your ELEMENT! Stop trying to become what everyone else wants you to become and start living your truth. You can't make a lion act like a house cat. Learn what makes you passionate and live in your element.

3. Lead with service! Learn how to use the first two to live a life of service to others. Make your life about service and helping other people. Make that the reason why you do what you do! If you start with service then you will experience love, gratitude, and happiness. You will find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others.

This message hit me hard. It hit me down to my core. But it didn't inspire me. It actually made me depressed! When I heard that last phrase "live a life of service," I said to myself, "I want to be that person." But I remembered this phrase at the same time: "In order to help others you have to first help yourself."
I began to think about all the the things that I feel are holding me back in life. From large tasks all the way down to the smallest task, like cleaning the dishes. 

If I am really going to help someone else be awesome and epic, I have to bring the best version of myself every day.

I have to bring the best version of myself everyday.


What does that mean to me?

If I truly want to serve others and help them be the best version of themselves through my business at Motiv8 Fitness, then I have to be that person. I can't be acting the part. So in my mind I broke it down into 2 parts that apply to me:

How can I have the most energy, physically and mentally?

  • I need to eat a clean whole food diet to stay strong, healthy, injury free. I need to meditate every day so that I can keep my emotions balanced. I need to get enough sleep. I need to take care of myself through hygiene, cleanliness, and organization so I can be as productive as possible and not feel like a mess.

How can I keep accomplishing my dreams to inspire others?
  • Every morning, I should meditate and focus on my goals so that when I go into my day, I can recognize and take advantage of opportunities that come my way. This also helps me go into my day with a purpose, passion, and drive instead of just mindlessly going with the flow. According to a recent study, we have 35 to 50 thousand thoughts throughout the day. If you don't focus your mind on what you truly want, you will probably be focused more on what your coworker just said about you, or what are you going to eat for lunch, or how you can't wait to see Black Panther. Making you unproductive! Stay focused on what is important.

How can I give the energy and love to others to serve them the way they need to be served?
  • If I can take care of my two points above, then I can show up ready to give the help that my clients or family deserve! If in the back of my head all I can think about is how dirty my apartment is, or how I procrastinated on my blog, or how tired I am from eating poorly that I have zero energy for the workout, how in the world will I ever be able to help someone else?? I have to take care of my OWN shit first so that I can be the best version of myself for others!

So Motiv8ers, how can you serve others this week?

By bringing the best version of yourself to every thing you do!

Motiv8ers, take this message to heart!

Show up to work looking awesome, being awesome, spreading the joy to your coworkers, and helping them get a lot of work done to make this world a better place.

Don't settle for mediocrity.

Be the best version of you, starting now, so you can help others be the best version of themselves.

Spread the LOVE CREW! I know I will be this week! =)

Lead With Service!

Stay EPIC and Don't Forget to Be AWESOME!

Coach Ty Out.

P.S. If you enjoyed this message please share it with someone that might need it. It is time we start helping each other be great, feel great, and live an awesome life! =)


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