What's Up Motiv8ers!
Coach Ty Here.
Hope you are having one amazing day! Remember Motiv8ers we are still in the middle of the Green Smoothie Challenge so keep making those healthy choices each day. =) It has been awesome seeing everyone's post on facebook. Talk about helping each other stay Motiv8ed. Thank you Crew.
Alright Crew, lets get into today's blog post. Today isn't a self help tip or a nutrition tip. It is a reminder of how we should treat each other and how to be that positive example.
Today's Tip is about appreciating others and recognizing that everyone in your life, even you, is a hero.
Did you Know..........
We are all capable of doing amazing things.
We are all capable of accomplishing achievements we once thought weren’t possible…..if we try!
And when we do...…usually there is a hero who inspired us in some way to do so.
Did you know someone is inspired by YOU?
It’s TRUE…you are already someone else’s hero!
order to continue being inspired, the best thing we can do is pay it
forward! But the way you do that isn’t by searching out people to
inspire. You do it by continuing to set goals and striving to reach
them every day. When you communicate that passion to the people around
you and show them your determination, your spirit and your unwavering
drive…you inspire those in your life who need your example most.
Go out there today or tomorrow in this awesome world and stay hungry in reaching your goals…just the simple act of staying consistent will inspire those around you.
It’s your turn!
Go be a hero to someone else...…you won’t need to seek them out…
They’ll be saved simply by seeing you IMPROVE EVERY DAY!
Also Crew....If you are inspired by someone in your life tell them about it. Let them know how much you appreciate them. Don't just assume that they know. Just the simple act of saying, "You are amazing" to someone can turn around one persons whole day. So be kind to each other and if you are inspired by someone let them know.
Motiv8ers don't let anything stop you or de-motiv8 you from reaching your goals! You all have the power to be great so lets show everyone HOW GREAT WE ARE!!!
Motiv8ers Stay EPIC and Don't Forget to Be AWESOME!
Coach Ty Out!
P.S. Be GREAT Today!
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