Monday, February 1, 2016

Motiv8ers of the Week!

Hi Motiv8ers,

First thing on today's Blog Post: this is how you should view your Mondays!  Check it out below.

Many folks have a negative look on Monday and that definitely isn't healthy.  Start now with tthese tips to begin viewing your Mondays as a fresh start to helping you be even more awesome than you were the week before!  If you have that mind set you will be especially productive this week.  Oh and Crew, Never Miss a Motiv8 Monday!!

Moving on to our main topic for today:
Motiv8ers of The Week!!!

Crew, as you saw in our email our Motiv8ers are really doing a lot and having a great time even outside of their SETs.  In our Monday blog posts, however, we want to start highlighting a few Motiv8ers who are going above and beyond, which is really bringing them results.  As many of you know already, each week the coaches take turns highlighting a Motiv8er from their Motiv8 SETs that has embodied the ideals and work ethic of Motiv8 Health and Fitness. 

Last week, Coach Kaolin and Coach Billy selected a Motiv8er of the week from their SETs.  It is a pleasure to share these two inspirational Motiv8er's stories and the amazing things they are doing  with their Motiv8 community.  Check it out!!

Nidhi Goel!

From Coach Billy's SETs, is Nidhi Goel! Nidhi has been attending the Motiv8 noon SET in Butler Park for a little over 3 months.  She will tell you that this is really the first time she has ever had a steady exercise regiment in her entire life, and when she began, it was very challenging for her. Through consistency, she has proven that hard work and determination pay off.  A couple months ago she could barely do a sit-up or run a quarter-mile without taking a break.  Now, she can run up to a mile in one SET and steadily knock out sit-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees, and other challenging exercises rep after rep.  It has been awesome to see her get stronger each week, and I am excited to see her continue to improve and Motiv8 others.  Congrats, Nidhi, on your achievements!  Keep it up!

Jan Zink!

Next, Please help me congratulate Jan Zink for being the 5:30am Dick Nichols Motiv8er of the Week for the final week in January!!  Jan has been an early bird worker-outer since last January, so she’s got a year of hard work under her belt.  She is the “wisest” and “most experienced” of our 5:30am DN Motiv8ers, and is an inspiration to us all to continue to work hard and take care of ourselves.  She recently increased her weights to 10 lbs and has been killin’ it!  Though she couldn’t be with us on her birthday (somehow this coincided with the coldest morning yet this year), she still tackled her Birthday Burpees at home!  Jan embodies dedication and consistency, rarely misses a day, and always has a smile on her face.  Mornings wouldn’t be the same without her, and we’re so glad she’s here!

Here’s what Jan had to say:
"I started going to boot camp last January. I am a 5:30 am regular. I almost always go 4 days a week. Many people ask why I like to go to boot camp. I'm not sure that "like" is the right word.
The exercise is hard work and many days I have lots of sore muscles. I continue going to boot camp because I have discovered that the exercise helps relieve the stiffness that I feel in the mornings.
I feel strong and I think it helps me to stay young. I love the friendships that I have made there. I feel that we are in this together and we all keep each other accountable and motivated.
I absolutely love being outdoors in the early mornings. We've seen owls and foxes and many, many stars, planets and phases of the moon. Thank you, Kaolin and fellow campers, for your
support and your dedication to our goal of building healthy bodies. I couldn't do it without you and it definitely wouldn't be as much fun. I am proud to be an Early Morning Motiv8er."

Motiv8ers, our community is getting stronger and it has helped these two individuals see results that they might not have been able to accomplish on their own.  Our goal for this next week, is to keep the Motiv8ion high,  and continue to build an even stronger community of amazing Motiv8ers so all of us can experience a whole new amazing life--TOGETHER!  Crew, when you see these two Motiv8ers above give them a huge congratulations!

That is all for today.  Another blog post coming on Wednesday!

Crew, Stay EPIC and don't forget to be awesome!

Never Miss a Motiv8 Monday!

Coach Ty

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