Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Make Dreams Happen & Motiv8ers Are AWESOME!

Hi Motiv8ers,

Coach Ty Here.  I want to start this blog post off talking about a book.  For the past few weeks I have been trying to figure out how to have more time so I can get more done without sacrificing anything. At the moment, I have two major goals.  First is to improve, grow, and make Motiv8 the best business it can be and help all of my clients get in the best shape of their life.  My second goal is to make myself the fittest I can possibly be.  I have the Austin Fittest Contest coming up, and I have another 100 mile trail race in September and I have to put in a ton of training hours so I can compete at the level I want to compete at.  I don't want to just attend these events--I want to try and go for the win.

Here's the struggle: How do you find a healthy balance of pushing both goals forward at the same time without one suffering?  I find that when I put my focus in one area, the other suffers a little.  Then, through out my week I am constantly juggling both.  Finding that healthy balance is hard.

Then, I found this book.  I bought the Audio book and listened to it in my car.
This guy hired a Navy Seal to come live with him for a month and help him get in the best shape of his life.  Jesse, the main character and writer, didn't sacrifice anything.  He still spent time with his family, still worked long work hours, and they even went on Vacation but the Navy Seal found the holes in his day where Jesse could get in the workouts, and get in the shape he was looking for.   The Seal taught him Discipline and found the areas in his life were he was wasting time and helped him manage his day more efficiently.  Crew this book was crazy inspiring to me.  So check it out.  I read it last week and I am definitely working on finding more time in my daily routine and try not to waste any time.  I'll write a Blog Post soon about how I am managing my day more efficiently after reading this book.

After reading this book I truly believe anything is possible, and after watching all of you Motiv8ers this past weekend, I am so fired up right now to make dreams come true.  Crew, this past weekend was awesome and talk about conquering dreams.  Lets get into talking about this past weekend with SUZANNE GIEGER!

This Motiv8er couldn't run the 3M Half Marathon a few weeks back but that didn't stop her.  Since she couldn't do the run, we planned out a date that would work for the both of us and Suzanne and I went out Saturday morning after the 9am Ramsey SET and conquered her goal.  Check out the pics. We ran down Exposition, around town Lake, then back up Lamar to conquer 13.1 miles.  That is crazy AWESOME!  Sara Biggs was awesome too and paced us for the first 5 miles.
Crew, when you see her give her a huge High Five!!

Next the Saturday Workout at Ramsey was just as awesome as usual.  Check out the pics!

Then, Sunday The Motiv8 Running Crew killed a good 4 miles on the trails of Walnut Creek.  Check out the awesome runners below.  The pic was from after the run so we missed a lot of runners but thank you crew for coming out and having a great time.  That is Coach Vanessa at the Bottom. =)

Motiv8ers, when you set your mind to something truly believe you can accomplish it.  Don't let anything or anyone put doubt in your abilities.  All of you are so much stronger than you think you are and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Crew we have a bunch of awesome things happening, and we thank you for believing in us and helping us make Austin one Fit City. Keep checking the Blog, your emails, and Facebook for upcoming events.  And if you have any questions don't hesitate to bug us.

Crew Stay EPIC and Don't Forget to Be AWESOME!!!

Coach Ty out!!!!

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